Welcome to Ten pin Bowling Melbourne Australia...
This blog is for all bowling enthusiasts including tenpin league bowlers, beginners and any one interested in the sport of bowling.

We will also include all kinds of online content from online flash tenpin bowling games to ten pin bowling game downloads and bowling videos including funny bowling videos and training videos.

You can find the online tenpin bowlng flash games to the right and just below the flash games you can download free tenpin bowling games and finally you will find bowling videos.

We hope you enjoy your time on tenpin bowling melbourne. (Remember - Free 3 games bowling trial (Including shoe hire) at AMF Moorabbin Bowling Center if you try out with S.A.S league).

Introduction to our bowling league
This tenpin bowling blog is run by the "Stopping All Stations" bowling league.

FREE TENPIN LEAGUE BOWLING !!!!... Our tenpin bowling league is looking for new teams to come and bowl with us on Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm..

To encourage new teams we are offering a free trial of a nights FREE BOWLING in our league..

League bowling is great fun and everyone can do it. From beginners to experienced and in between.

Our league is a doubles league (teams of 2). Teams could be...

You and your mum..
You and your dad..
You and your sister..
You and your brother..
You and your nanna..
You and your boyfriend..
You and your girlfriend..
You and your workmate..
You and your best friend..

You and anyone you can think of..
Even if you can not find a partner, don't let that stop you, we will try to find someone for you.

It doesn't even matter if your'e not a tenpin bowler or if you have never tenpin bowled before. Our league ranges from beginner bowlers to intermediate bowlers and works on a handicap scale which means at the start of every league bowling night, you have just as much chance of winning as your opponent, even if you have never bowled before and your playing someone thats been bowling for years.

Thats the great thing about our tenpin bowling game, you just never know whats going to happen.

Benefits of League Tenpin Bowling...
There are many benefits of becoming a tenpin league bowler. Theres the basics like being part of a team, participating in league activities such as tournaments and of course the physical benefits of getting up off the couch and doing something that not only helps strengthen your body but stimulates your mind and supplies the weekly challenge of something to improve on and get better at.

Theres also these benefits.

League Rates..
Save Bigtime on Tenpin Bowling.. League rates are one of the best things about league bowling. On average you would save approximately 40% - 50% of all your practice games at Moorabbin bowl.

Cash prizes.. At the end of the season, your acheivements will be rewarded with cold hard cash. Every league member receives some kind of cold hard cash prize at the presentation dinner.

Presentation Dinner.. The best part of the year. This is when the winners are rewarded their prizes and everyone gets their payouts. We all sit down to a great dinner and enjoy the presentation. No one leaves empty handed from a Stopping all Stations presentation dinner. (Presentation dinner, cash and prizes are subject to prize fund availability. The more bowlers, the bigger and better the prize fund.)

I should also mention, ITS JUST GREAT FUN !!!!

Equipment for Bowling on a bowling alley. Beginners.. Our Amf bowling center (Moorabbin) supplies all your requirements before you step onto the bowling lanes. Bowling shoes are available in a large range of sizes and bowling balls are also available in weights from 8lbs to 15lbs with varying finger and thumb sizes. You can rest assured that at our bowling alley you will find all the equipment you need.

Intermediate and Pro Bowlers.. The Moorabbin Amf bowling center also caters for intermediate to professional ten pin bowlers. With a pro shop and ball drilling facilities.

Basically, all you have to do is turn up and try out ten pin bowling at the Moorabbin bowling center. Its all there waiting for you.

Tenpin Bowling Center Location Were are we ???

League Name - Stopping All Stations Doubles Tenpin Bowling League. We are located at AMF Moorabbin Bowling center - Nepean Highway Moorabbin (Just across from the railway station). Teams - Consist of 2 bowlers per team. We Start - Wednesday Nights at 8:30pm with warm up bowling commencing at 8:25pm We finish - Depends on number of tenpin bowlers but on average we finish by 9:30pm but no later than 10:00pm. The facilities - 28 Competition Lanes - Pro Shop - Cafe and Licensed Bar. Cost - $22 per bowler each week.

Robbie - League treasurer (Business hours only please!.)

This tenpin bowling blog created for the Stopping All Stations bowling league .
Australia - Victoria - Melbourne - Moorabbin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2011 Station Masters Results week 7

These are the last set of results to be made available until presentation.

Results of week 7.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 Station Masters Results week 6

Heres the results for week 6.

(I just havent got the time to do all the stats this week but these are the current standings results, minus the stats.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 Station Masters Results week 5

Heres the results of week 5

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2011 Station Masters Results week 4

The payouts for this years tournament will be,
1st - $250, 2nd - $125, 3rd - $75, 4th - $50, 5th 6th and 7th all get their money back with $20.

Heres the results for week 4...

2011 Station Masters Results week 3

Results for week 3

2011 Station Masters Results week 2

Results for week 2

2011 Station Masters Results week 1

Week 1 Results

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 7 results

I would firstly like to appologise for the results not being available in the last 2 weeks.

Last week the results were hidden and i wasnt aware so i couldnt get the scores.

This week i was on my way to bowling feeling a little seedy, which turned into violently ill, which meant i turned around and went home.

Anyway, These are the last results until presentation night.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Schedule

The stopping all stations bowling league hides all league rankings for the last few weeks of the year to create a little suspense and mystery. No one knows whos won what individual awards or where your team ranks on the ladder. Because this is hidden you also cant see the lanedraw so i got hold of a copy and this is who is playing who for the next 3 weeks.

We will also be bowling week 45, Wed Oct 27th but its in the schedule as a positional round. 1 thing i can tell you for sure is that it will NOT! be a positional round, but i can not tell you who you are playing either because its in the computer as a positional round.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Results for week 6

Here are the results for week 6 in the masters tournament.

Players of the week this week are Jamie – 755 and Andrea – 714

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tournament Tracker

Heres the half way tournament tracker just incase you missed it.

Its purpose was to show you how you were going in the tournament. Are you improving? are you doing worse than you started? Have you been consistant? Etc Etc...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Masters Tournament Results Week 5

Heres the results of the masters bowling tournament...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 4 results for the masters tournament.

Here are the results of week 4....

Players of the week this week are Jason D - 702, Zac – 688 and Katie – 676
Players to look out for overall are Steve, Kelly and Jacqui who keep getting 600+ games each week and dont look like falling under that!.
There is a $720 prize pool which will payout like this...
1st – $280, 2nd - $140, 3rd - $70, 4th - $60, 5th - $50, 6th - $40, 7th - $30, 8th - $20, 9th - $20 ($10 for the whistle) $720
The masters usually only pays out 3-4 people, but we have never had 36 bowlers before so we are paying out a 1 in 4 chance (9/36)
Bold and underlined eg: 514 = absent score, 1 less lowest score of the week.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Results of week 3 masters tournament.

Heres the results!.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Results for stations masters bowling tournament.

Heres the first 2 weeks results on the Masters Bowling Tournament.

Looks like Trent is the one to look out for!. Can he keep it up?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 9 BB2010 Results

Heres the results of week 9.
Congratulations to Nicole and Patricia. Which one of you is going to win the $100 ?

See you next week.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BB results...

Heres the results for week 7 and 8..

Congratulations to the final 6 but will you make the final 2?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 6 results..

Heres the results of week 6

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The bowling results of week 5

Here are the results of week 5..

Welcome back Gavin and Phil, you guys won the buy in...

Sorry to see you got but, Rae, Teresa, Corin and Eugene were all evicted this week.

Heres the scores..

Week 5
Jamie 655
Nicole 642
Patricia 633
Michelle 619
Ross 608
Jeff 603
Eric 600
Mathew 598
Steve 587
Alex C 565
Trent 563
Jaquie 561
Rae 557
Teresa 554
Corin 519
Eugene 0 - did not bowl

Buy Ins Week 5
Gavin 684
Phil 674
Maria 655
Alex L 638
Jason D 628
Andrea 606
Neil 575
Robbie 569
Jason P 549 * retired hurt
Jon 531

Tonight the bottom 6 will be nominated and 4 of the 6 will be evicted. You will be given a ballot paper and you will vote blind. You will have no idea who is up or who you are voting for because you will vote before you start tenpin bowling.

There will be no more imunnities or buy ins. The people left will be taken down till the final 2 for the final week. There may be a few twists along the way but i am sorry, if your out now, your out for good.

See you tonight..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BB Bowling Tournament Results To Date

Red bowlers have been evicted
Green Bowlers Have or Had Immunity
Week 1
Jason D 675
Alex L 675
Jeff 667
Gavin 642
Maria 642
Corin 642
Jon 634
Ross 621
Michelle 610
Robbie 603
Eugene 601
Nicole 593
Eric 585
Jaquie 576
Trent 575
Andrea 574
Teresa 574
Joe 572
Jason P 569
Phil 561
Alex C 561
Steve 559
Jamie 538
Patricia 538
Mathew 537
Rae 536
Neil 530
Judith 521
Week 2
Trent 697
Eric 696
Michelle 680
Gavin 649
Alex C 643
Maria 642
Corin 640
Alex L 630
Jeff 620
Andrea 619
Jamie 587
Nicole 585
Ross 581
Rae 577
Jon 575
Jason D 568
Eugene 560
Phil 559
Steve 559
Teresa 557
Robbie 554
Jaquie 554
Joe 544
Mathew 540
Jason P 532
Patricia 516
Week 3
Mathew 755
Jamie 674
Eugene 653
Patricia 638
Gavin 636
Eric 625
Ross 604
Jaquie 596
Michelle 595
Teresa 589
Alex C 588
Trent 586
Nicole 586
Rae 584
Steve 581
Phil 578
Jeff 572
Maria 569
Corin 556
Alex L 533
Jason 531
Jon 517
Andrea *DNB
Robbie *DNB
Week 4
Eric 698
Jamie 675
Teresa 636
Ross 627
Michelle 627
Trent 620
Alex 607
Nicole 596
Rae 595
Corin 586
Jeff 581
Jaquie 576
Steve 575
Eugene 568
Phil 563
Maria 563
Patricia 562
Mathew 552

Gavin 539
Alex L 527

Special Notes...
These Bowlers Were Evicted This Week...
Phil - Maria - Gavin - and Alex L

Mathew and Patricia were very lucky they had immunity because they would have been evicted.

During week 5 (Wed 23rd June - Tonight) There are no immunities but there will be a buy in tonight. If the winning buy in falls in the bottom 4 of the existing housemates, they will be evicted and their buyin unsuccessfull.


2 Bowlers from a possible 12 will buy their way back in tonight.


*DNB = Did Not Bowl...